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1.a person who ranks below a senior person.

"the managing director and his assistant"

2.A modern day slave. A person who does all of his/her spaz-attack boss’ dirty work.

3.Boss to assistant: I need you to do W, Y and Z now.
Assistant: "Yes sir/ma'm, right away master. Would you like to me to polish your ass while I'm at it?"










1. (Theatre) a woman who acts in a play, film, broadcast, etc

2. a woman who puts on a false manner in order to deceive others

3. A person able to portray another personality/character traits in such a way that is believeable to a group of people watching, who then believe the person is the personality they are portraying and not themselves/a girl really good at pretending to be something shes not

"I'm so so so so so happy! Oh my gosh, it's like so totally awesome" says the character 
"I'm so sick of being perky..and american" says the actress






1.The provision of money, resources, or information to help someone.

2.plans offering financial assistance to employers"

The action of helping someone with a job or task

3.A new comedy series about what it's really like being a Hollywood Assistant. By the writer of The Secret Life of Otters and the director of Funny or Die's Disney Couples Therapy.



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